• Functional Vocational Training and Research Society
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FVTRS provides world class, technology based vocational skill training to the underprivileged youth across the country. We equip them with employable skills and incorporate them into the current labor market with a decent employment, so that, they too enjoy life, having achieved a greater social recognition and a dignity of life. We are a green skilled organization, using green technology in our work for providing eco- friendly skilling experience to our beneficiaries. Every year we train 6000+ youth across the country and build their employability skills.

Our Employers

D-Mart, Tacobel, Reliance, Maruthi udyog, Indian Airlines, Jio

Total Trained 175258
Total Employed 145464(83%)
Number of Trades 200+
Number of states 13
Apply for the skill training
Donate towards Skilling & Employment Program

FVTRS conducts national, state & regional level certificate courses to professionals, student, entrepreneurs, teachers, change makers, trainers etc. on Entrepreneurship Development Program-(EDP), LIFE SKILL, Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Organizational Development Process, Result Based Management (RBM), Community Based Skill Development, Climate Action. We have a team trainers/ subject matter experts/Resource persons who can conduct trainings in Nine national languages. We have a well experimented training modules which can be customized as per the needs of the participants.

Please share your capacity building needs, we will conduct or jointly organise the programs. Write to us (director@fvtrs.org)

Number of master trainers trained & certified 257
Numberof people attended the training 36428
Apply for Trainings offered

Whenever the human life is tossed or endangered by natural or human made calamities, FVTRS voluntarily engages itself in life promoting rehabilitative & mitigating actions during various disasters like tsunami, Covid-19. FVTRS all through its journey, was in the forefront helping the victims/ troubled in fighting the adversity across the country and helped them in rebuilding their lives.

What we can offer

  • Livelihood generation for affected community
  • Building resilient communities to meet the challenges during various disasters.
  • Supply skilled workers
  • Emergency response, relief, and rehabilitation service
  • Open to network with other actors

TO VOLUNTEER REACH US ON director@fvtrs.org / 28465745

Donate Towards FVTRS Relief Fund

FVTRS is one of the best skill training institutes certified by MEPSC- NSDC. Women Empowerment being the need of the hour, FVTRS through its Entrepreneurship Model” supporting women to develop their entrepreneur skills and start an enterprise of their own to achieve financial independency and become self -sustainable. For this we have a team of Highly qualified professional trainers trained by INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION (ILO) AND ENTERPRENEUSHIP DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE OF INDIA & EDII.

Success Stories & Testimonials

Contact us for Entrepreneurship Program : director@fvtrs.org

Number of women entrepreneurs 40659

Early school leavers & functionally illiterate youth being the primary stakeholders of vocational skilling, FVTRS is motivating these youth to join open schools to have academic mobility to next higher level of 10th or 12 class. This will enable them to obtain a decent job and dignified life.

Photo Gallery

Case Studies

Enrolled for open schooling 20025
Passed 10thClass 10421(52%)
Enrolled for Higher Education 2912 (28%)
Sponsor a candidate

Believing in collective and collaborative social action, FVTRS promotes strong linkage and network with Training institutes, Civil society organizations, Universities, Schools, Colleges, Government Departments, Industries, Companies, Forums,CSR & Philanthropic institutions and Individuals with societal concern.

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Meetings & Capacity Building Reports

Contact us for networking and implementing CSR projects

Current Networking Partners

Central University – Karnataka- Gulbarga
Gandhi Gram University-Dindigul
Skill promoting India Network SPIN
Indo- American Chamber of Commerce
TATA Power Solar Limited
Quest Alliance
Child Fund- India
Schenieder Electricals

With over one lakh seventy thousand youths trained across more than 200 trades, FVTRS acknowledges the potential for greater outcomes by consolidating trainee capacities and successes for gainful livelihood options. Recognizing the challenges faced by individuals in accessing employment, entrepreneurship opportunities, financial resources, skill upgrades, and social security, The Skill Net, an association of skilled workers, aims to foster sustainable skill development. To address the needs of underprivileged youth and ensure continuous progress, structured community-based support systems must be established. These structures will not only enhance individual capacities but also facilitate peer support, enabling collective development by using the acquired skills.

Meeting & Other Activities Photos

Case studies - on collective Business

Number of Associations 1348
Total Membership 11152

Today, research and innovation in skilling and employment is crucial for sustainable development. New approaches are inevitable to ensure quality services.

Knowing the importance,FVTRS takes up national, regional, and state level systematic studies on the subjects related to skilling, employment, and entrepreneurship.

These research studies serve as a great source of knowledge for bringing innovative ideas in skilling and employment.

SCOPE- Skilling community owned promotion and Enhancement- Action Research
Skilling & Employability – Among tribals in Odisha, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh
Women & Skilling -National Study
Impact Study in Kalahandi District- Odisha
National study on skill & Employability among school dropouts.

FVTRS organizes conferences and meetings where the representatives from Government, skill providing Organizations, Civil service organizations, Industry Experts & CSR collaborators are engaged in collective thinking, knowledge sharing andetching a realistic road map for collective action on things that has larger social concern.The vast spectrum of knowledge derived from these conferences and deliberations are so immense, they become the route map forgreater commitment towards national skill India mission and building nation

NSC Page

National Skill Conference NSC
Number of NSCs Conducted 15
National stakeholders Meet Annually
Exploring Skill intelligence Half Yearly
National Level team Meeting – Annually Half Yearly
Attend and conduct Conclaves and meetings on regular basis
Organise State level Job fairs

As a strategic intervention to reach the unreached and amplify the impact of various skill building initiatives,FVTRS organizes campaigns and awareness building ventures across the country. These initiatives,besides keeping the community updated and well informed about the programs of FVTRS, it also strengthens our community presence.

Poster & Campaign Photos